Are We Heading Towards the End of Our Species?

There are three known phases in a human’s life namely – childhood, adulthood and old age, which are further divided into sub-categories.
And there are three major, natural events in the life – birth, reproduction and death. While the primary purpose of any species is to reproduce and help in the process of evolution the human cortex developed itself through multiple evolutions to take care of its progeny.
While most animals let their progeny out alone to become self-dependent after they reach a certain age humans are known to take care of their offprings as long as they can. And this is exactly what’s going to make our species weak in the forever evolving Darwin’s world. Though I agree that each action of the parent is to provide the best to their offspring, it just disregards the principle of ‘Survival of the fittest’.
I personally feel that taking care of someone doesn’t mean interfering in their life every now and then. And parents, especially the brown parents need to understand this soon. You care for you child? Perfect! You don’t want your child to fail in life? Perfect! But, just because you don’t want the child to fail, don’t stop them from doing something new. Let them stumble. Let them fall, once, twice, thrice… as many times as the child wishes. Don’t provide the hand of support until and unless it is seeked. Let the child explore life from their perspective.
Don’t tell the ‘Einstein’ in your child about the ‘theory of relativity’ that you figured out, until he or she asks. Let them come up with it and if they can’t, give them hints. Never give them the solution served in a plate. And remember to be proud of slightest of the progress they do. May be you did not get that level of appreciation even when you deserved it, but don’t deprive them of those moments of joy because you didn’t get it.
Understand that by the time your children become teenagers or young adults, your life is almost half gone and it is their life which matters beyond that point. Stop trying to impose your perspectives in their little world because they fit right in yours. With passing time the world changes, changing the needs of this world.

And the most important point, do not be the reason for the end of our species.

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